
We will do our best to implement and apply various ideas with practical technology with
our corporate philosophy 'Idea + Action', and will prove our value as a global big data company through new service and platform.

present - 2018


ㆍ Sizeit App Ver 3.5(iOS, Android) release (2021.09) ㆍ Contract of provision non-face-to-face size measuring solution


ㆍ Sizeit App Ver 3.5(iOS, Android) release (2021.09) ㆍ Contract of provision non-face-to-face size measuring solution

- Goldfinger CEO jung-koo Lee, Korea suit master

ㆍ Sizeit App Ver 3.0(iOS) release


ㆍ Sizeit Ver 2.0(iOS, Android) release ㆍ Patent Registeration

- A method of obtaining a picture for measuring body size and measuring body size using that pictures.

- Sever program

- Body size measuring device

ㆍ Progress Wadiz funding(Korea Crowdfunding platform) using the Sizeit App ㆍ Certification of Venture Business ㆍ Test Sizeit App at KTC(Korea Testing Certification Institute) 
- Conduct a precision test of body size 3D virtual model

- Average 98.5% accuracy

ㆍ ATOMY Corp

- Contract of provision non-face-to-face size measuring system


ㆍ ETRI License and Technical Assistance Agreement ㆍ Receive Innovation Award at ‘K-Startup’ regional Qualifier ㆍ advance to the ‘K-Startup’ final ㆍ Complete Startup Success Package Project


ㆍ Participated in CES 2019, Las Vegas, USA ㆍ Selected as a resident company of Sejong Entrepreneurship Center ㆍ Selected for the 9th Youth Entrepreneurship Academy ㆍ Founded IDICTION in Oct